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Worldwatch Nourishing Planet Interview - Extended

Here's the full written response by Seth Itzkan to the Worldwatch Nourishing The Planet Interview questions. An edited version appeared on the Worldwatch blog.

The Interconnectedness of Nature: Truffles in the United States and Australia

In analyses of land management practices, people often focus on what we see above the ground as a sign of the health of the land. However, as scientists are discovering, and as I am coming to understand more and more in my research, what is below the ground is often just as important.

Megafauna and Changing Grasslands in Australia

Increasing evidence is showing that the extinction of megafauna causes major changes to grasslands in Australia. Megafauna once played an essential role in the health and survival of grasslands.

Exploring Australian Climate and Climate Change

Australia is known, and not unfairly so, for its harsh and unforgiving environment. Eighty percent of the land in Australia receives less than 600 millimeters of rainfall each year. How is climate change affecting this already dry and harsh land?

Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award Ceremony in Zimbabwe


The Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award has made possible the construction of new herder houses at the Africa Center for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe.

Urban Planet: Emergiing Ecologies

Urban Planet: Emerging Ecologies

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Urban Planet: Emerging Ecologies
Institute for Sustainable Design, The Cooper Union, NYC

Fletcher Presentation: Reversing Global Warming and Desertification with... Livestock?

On January 25th I spoke at Tufts University regarding Holistic Management and my experiences in Africa.

Las Pilas Ranch: A Tale of Restoration

The Las Pilas Ranch in Coahuila, Mexico, is a model of ecological restoration using Holistic Planned Grazing. Over a forty year period from 1963 to 2003, the barren landscape was completely revived.

350 Event photo with Dojiwe the elephant Event in Zimbabwe - Africa Center for Holistic Management

Seth Itzkan presents discussion on climate change at the Africa Center for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe.

Village Singing Zimbabwe

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The villagers in Zimbabwe often treated to us to wonderful singing.



Lexington Farm First Massachusetts Entry in Soil Carbon Challenge

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Planet-TECH News Wire

Lexington Farm First Massachusetts Entry in Soil Carbon Challenge
Challenge co-founder says: “Occupy the carbon cycle!"

ACHM Activity Sites in Southern Africa

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Google map of ACHM activity sites in southern Africa

Gil Scott-Heron: An Appreciation


Gil Scott-Heron: An Appreciation
by Seth Itzkan

The Carbon Ranch - Quivira Coalition 2010 Annual Conference

freetags: soil, 2010 Highlights

Quivira Coalition 2010 Annual Conference
The Carbon Ranch -  - Using Food and Stewardship to Build Soil and Fight Climate Change
