Examples of land restoration using Holistic Management. Pictures from South Africa, Mexico, Zimbabwe & Namibia.
Examples of land restoration using Holistic Management. Pictures from South Africa, Mexico, Zimbabwe & Namibia.
Jim Laurie appears with Tim Weiskel on the Cambridge Community Television program, BeLive! Jim discusses the role of soil restoration in reverse global warming. The host, Tim Weiskel is director of Cambridge Climate Research Associates (CCRA). The show was recorded Sunday, November 1, 2009.
Excerpts from: A Global Strategy for Addressing Global Climate Change, by Allan Savory
You probably think of small time dairy farming as an idyllic 18th century occupation with Amish practitioners far removed from contemporary science, politics, and economics. Well, in certain ways, in may be idyllic, but it here at Hendricks Farm in Telford, Pennsylvania, this family run business is no laggard. They are setting a precedent for how to run a farm that is ecologically restorative, profitable, and fun to be around. Without the use of pesticides, hormones, or grain feed, they are raising healthy cows while growing grass and replenishing the soils that were devestated by the th
Jim Laurie and Seth Itzkan present at the Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN) monthly meeting.
Photos from Jim Laurie's soil restoration explorations in West Texas.
The presentation explores the role of grasslands restoration as a key component for climate change mitigation.