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Woburn Memorial High School

The system is made up of 33.6 kilowatts. The system is solar photovoltaic.

The solar system will provide 25% of the school's energy.


The solar system will provide 25% of the schools energy, about 720,000 kilowatts of energy per year.

Future Plans: 

The school plans to incorporate two fuel cells in the future.


Woburn memorial High School was built on top of an old school.


MTC provided a $470,000 construction grant. NSTAR Electric and KeySpan provided more than $385,000 in rebates for energy efficiency measures.


Woburn memorial High School
Main Office
781-937-8210 or 781-937-8211
88 Montvale Avenue, Woburn, MA

Year of Operation: 
The project was completed in June of 2006
The project is owned by Woburn Memorial High School.
General Notes: 

The Woburn Memorial High School’s green design and construction has resulted in a building that beats energy code by more than 25%, with nearly 720,000 kilowatt hours per year in energy savings compared to a typical school of the same size. Green features that make these savings possible include: solar panels (PV system) URL: URL:

Energy Categories: