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Obama Inauguration

MCAN Event - Jim Laurie Presentation

Jim Laurie and Seth Itzkan present at the Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN) monthly meeting.

Jim Laurie's Texas Soil Restoration Visit

Photos from Jim Laurie's soil restoration explorations in West Texas.

Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award, John Todd Recipient

It was wonderful to see environmental visionary John Todd receive the inaugural Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award

Soil Presentation at Stockholm Environment Institute, 2009

Graphic: Make Soil - End Global Warming

The presentation explores the role of grasslands restoration as a key component for climate change mitigation.

Houston After Oil Presentation at ASPO Conference

Houston After Oil Image

On Friday, October 19th, Dr. Peter Bishop and I made a joint presentation on Houston After Peak Oil Scenarios to the thrid annual Associate for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) Conference in Houston, Texas.

Seth Itzkan Futurist - Boston Globe Article

Boston Globe article on Futurists, titled "The local forecast", prominently features me.
